A Week of Faith and Friendship

Fratarski Island Student Camp

News August 31, 2023

31 August 2023| Pula, Croatia [Chanel Hadžiefendić with tedNEWS]

The picturesque island of Fratarski Otok, nestled in the heart of Pula, Croatia, became a hub for young people from across the world between 13 and 20 August. The Fratarski Student Camp, a highly anticipated annual event, set a new record this year by hosting nearly 130 students from far and wide, including Serbia, Germany, Canada, Italy, Austria, Poland, Lithuania, the USA, Spain, and Great Britain. The camp, led by young people from the Croatian Conference, welcomed Zoran Sudarević, a pastor hailing from Canada, as the main speaker.

Sudarević conducted daily morning and evening worship sessions, delving into the lives and stories of renowned biblical figures. During these services, young people shared their personal testimonies, providing everyone present with the opportunity to hear about how God was working in their lives. Additionally, four workshops were organised, focusing on strategies to enhance productivity and optimise time management.

Students play Volleyball at summer camp

The camp was blessed with perfect weather throughout, and the students made the most of it! Swimming, playing sports, participating in treasure hunts, games, and singing together by the fire were among the activities. Fratarski Island, a serene place in a stunningly beautiful corner of the world, also offered a wonderful atmosphere for relaxation and quality time spent while meeting young Adventists from all around the world.

Young girl getting baptised in Croatia

On Saturday afternoon, the students witnessed a beautiful event—a baptism. While committing to follow Jesus, Vanessa Ninković, a young girl from Germany shared her journey of transformation, inspiring everyone. The waterfront turned into a stage where young people praised God with choirs, Bible verses, and recitations. Church members from Pula Adventist Church came to support and join in the celebration. Even some passers-by stopped to enjoy the music and witness the baptism. It was a perfect way to conclude the Fratarski Student Camp because, as leaders shared, “young people were rejoicing and making decisions to follow Jesus.” They are eagerly looking forward to meeting again next year, making new friends, growing together, and becoming more like Jesus.

[Photos: Youth department AUC/CC]

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