25 March | Budapest, Hungary [David Neal]
In a Sabbath (Saturday) morning worship service in which the participants of the European Theology Teacher’s Convention (ETTC) and members of the Central Budapest church joined together for worship, Dr Daniel Duda, Trans-European Division President (TED) navigated his thoughts to address both groups. However, preceding his sermon were two distinct and clear messages of appreciation:
“There are teachers from 17 countries here… and thank you for the crew of people who have cared for us. For this year [there are] 88 teachers registered. Usually, we don’t get more than 50, so Budapest is a drawing card!
Let me say on behalf of Barna Magyarosi (EUD Executive Secretary), as officers of the respective divisions, we appreciate very much the work that you do as theology teachers.
In the early days of Adventism the administrators were the theologians – and the theologians were the administrators. But then their journey’s parted, into the world of specialisation where it seldom happens that theologians are administrators, and administrators are theologians.
And in the polarised world in which we live, it’s easy to lose sight that we are all working for the same goal. So on behalf of the Inter-European and Trans-European division let me tell you, we see you as allies. We are all together in this work of accomplishing the mission of the church.
What you do in shaping the minds of the future pastors is indispensable for achieving the goals of Christ’s community. So thank you very much for the work that you do. We are in this together.
Let me single out and say something else regarding the teachers in your midst. There are five women in our midst. And what you do is equally important as your male colleagues.
Kendra Haloviak Valentine (professor of New Testament, La Sierra University, USA)
Daniela Gelbrich (professor of Old Testament, Collonges-sous-Salève, France)
Ana Džuver (Old Testament specialist & Union Education Director, Adriatic Union College)
Ivana Mendes (Lecturer in Biblical Languages, Newbold College of Higher Education)
Pilira Zapita (Guest Lecturer, Systematic Theology, Newbold College of Higher Education)

But because we are here also as theology teachers, I thought it would be most appropriate as colleagues to express their appreciation for Kárpáti Petronella, who served faithfully for 43 years at the Hungarian seminary as a bible teacher, biblical languages teacher, and treasurer.

Let me paraphrase the words of the apostle Paul from 1 Corinthians 15:58.
“To you, all the sisters and all theology teachers and professors.
Be steadfast,
be immovable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord,
knowing that in the Lord your labour is not in vain.”
This tribute may viewed at the link below commencing 38 minutes into the video. Duda’s sermon “The Storm, the Ship and the Harbour” follows Paul’s journey across the stormy Adriatic and Mediterranean to Malta and ensuing shipwreck. Based on Acts 27 the sermon can be listened in full here, or watched online, at 47 minutes into the video.
*A further thank you to the Audio Visual team of the Central Budapest church, and Maria Tokics of the Hungarian Union office, for their ministry during the ETTC, and sharing with tedNEWS the media files of the event.
[Photos: David Neal]