A Sabbath Blessing To Kotor and Podgorica Church, Montenegro

TED directors visit nearby Montenegro churches during YEM

News November 20, 2022

19 November 2022 | Kotor, Montenegro, [Iona Rock with tedNEWS]

The weather was calm on Sabbath morning, which made a change after so many days of rain and thunderstorms. As the Trans-European Division (TED) Year End Meetings were drawing to a close, some pastors were invited to travel to local churches and share a message. preach. Pastor Maureen Rock, TED Stewardship director, was invited to preach at Kotor Church; a lovely church nestled comfortably near Kotor Bay, beneath large mountains. On our way there, we were in awe of their splendour and blessed to be in a location surrounded by the beautiful handiwork of God.

Upon arrival at Kotor Church, we were shown around and greeted by the wonderful smiling faces of members old and young. The service consisted of the Sabbath School lesson, Scripture readings, prayers and a few special items from local families. Pastor Rock then shared a message that focused on the Parable of the Workers found in Matthew 20:1-16. Emphasis was placed on our need as church members to have compassion towards the people we meet and tell them about God. “It does not matter how long we have been in the church for, one year or fifty years, Jesus still has a reward for all of us. We must continue to hope and await the soon return of Jesus Christ,” pastor Rock reminded the members.

Commenting on the message, Ivan, a church member said, “I was reminded that God is giving everyone a chance. Those who serve Him all their lives, but also others like me who came to Him just recently.”

“We have to decide to work in his vineyard. And He will give results and fruit. We are not wasting our time. We will be faithful,” said Marina, a young member of the church.

“We can we give ourselves in service for those in need. As we help them, and the Lord help us grow,” said Verica.

As I reflect on the importance of this message, I pray we will take the time to pause and reflect on the goodness of God as revealed in the beauty of nature.  Let’s remember that, just as He took the time to design the mountains, He also took time to design each one of us. Let us look up and around and be in awe of our Lord! As the hymn All Things Bright And Beautiful, written by the poet Cecil Francis Alexander, reminds us:

“He gave us eyes to see them
And lips that we might tell
How great is God Almighty
Who has made all things well”


Pathfinders celebrate in Podgorica 

Pathfinders and Adventurers at Podgorica Church, Montenegro, had an altogether special Sabbath as Pastor Dejan Stojković, TED Youth director, took the opportunity to deliver in person their first-ever batch of awards and honours.

“Podgorica is the largest church that we have in Montenegro, and the home of the only Pathfinder and Adventurer Club in this part of the South-East-European Union Conference,” Stojković commented. “This Sabbath I had the chance to preach at the church and deliver the first package full of honours and awards for our young club. We made beautiful memories,” said Stojković.

“Podgorica Church also has beautiful young adult and teens groups. It was amazing to see their commitment and dedication! They are sharing the good news in Montenegro with their multimedia team which is recording podcasts and posting them on social media,” Stojković concluded.

[Photos: Iona Rock and Pastor Dejan Stojković]

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