A right royal advisory

<p>24 May 2016 | Weybridge, England [Victor Hulbert]&nbsp; What does it take to make you feel like royalty? For Union officers and department directors from across the Trans-European Division it might have been the knowledge that their hotel home during the TED advisory meetings, 16 – 19 May, was built by King Henry VIII for his fourth wife, Anne of Cleaves. It later became a favourite home for Queen Elizabeth I.</p>

News May 25, 2016

24 May 2016 | Weybridge, England [Victor Hulbert]  What does it take to make you feel like royalty? For Union officers and department directors from across the Trans-European Division it might have been the knowledge that their hotel home during the TED advisory meetings, 16 – 19 May, was built by King Henry VIII for his fourth wife, Anne of Cleaves. It later became a favourite home for Queen Elizabeth I.

Combined advisory Norway national day 2016
TED president, Raafat Kamal, wearing a special pin for Norway’s national day
For the Norwegian’s present, who sacrificed their national holiday to attend, it was the reassurance that their royal family had spent time in England during WWII, but for all participants it was the knowledge that they had come to worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, spending time to ‘connect, inspire and change’ under the theme, ‘Reach the World’.

Traditionally the TED runs separate advisory meetings for each of its departments, once every five years. However, Raafat Kamal, as TED President, is fond of breaking with tradition. In consultation with the Union presidents he agreed to run a ‘joint advisory’, bringing the major focus areas for the TED under one roof. The result: 132 leaders rediscovering a picture of God from GC vice-president, Artur Stele, rejoicing in worshipful music led by Tihomir and Kärt Lazic, and learning from each other in plenary sessions that covered Children, Communication, Family, Health, Ministry, Mission and Youth.

Combined advisry children ministyr
Children’s ministries – one of the 8 breakout groups sharing strategy and training during the combined advisory
Each department also had some 11 hours of training and strategy time allocated to work directly their peers in their specialist areas. This, says Audrey Andersson, TED Executive Secretary, presented some challenges. “Because some of our Unions are very small, some department directors, or even presidents, carry multiple hats – making for hard choices when it came to group sessions.” However, according to the evaluation forms, people were very positive about the group sessions they attended. The word ‘fellowship’ and the phase ‘learning about objectives’ featured prominently among the comments.

Combined advisory Peter Landless
GC Health Ministries director, Peter Landless, leading Wednesday morning worship, ‘I’ve been saved to serve’
“One advantage of bringing the major groups together was the spirit of togetherness that was generated,” Kamal reflected. Each director got a vision of what other departments are doing and this led to active discussions over the dinner table. It also helped departments see how they can work together on joint projects. “This really helps fulfil the major strategic initiatives of the Church at large, and directly facilitates the fulfilment of our mission,” he said.

Worship was important. In the mornings, World Church leaders shared what is important in their lives. Jerry Page (Ministerial Association) focused on the difference prayer makes, while Peter Landless (Health Ministries) challenged, “why are we here?”. He focused on a major car wreck that he survived and his remorse at his inability to save the life of his young driver. His only response: “I look at the scar on my hand and remember I’ve been saved to serve.” Raquel Arrais (women’s ministries) challenged leaders regarding the ‘in between’ moments in their lives.

Combined advisory Artur Stele
Artur Stele, GC Vice-president, challenges the sterotypical picture of God
Though tired at the end of a long day, no-one dared miss Artur Stele’s engaging evening worships, mixing humour and storytelling with deep Biblical insights into the lives of Biblical Characters such as Moses and Solomon. His main emphasis was that “we need a correct picture of God.” If that picture is wrong then religion can be very dangerous. “The most severe and cruel wars were religious wars,” he noted – emphasising that wars in the name of religion make no sense. However, he said with a wry smile,
Combined advisory Torben Bergland checking sleep patterns
With long days and short nights, Health Ministries director, Torben Bergland greets morning worshipers with a cheerful challenge on their sleep patterns.
Adventists are not exempt. “Are we ready to kill those who eat differently to us, who worship in a different style, or whose dress length is different?” His point, “Our picture of God will influence everything we do and how we treat other people.” His commitment to the delegation followed David’s words to his son, Solomon. “If you seek him, he will be found by you.” [1 Chron 28:9 NIV]

In his opening remarks Stele noted, “To win one soul in Europe is like winning 10,000 somewhere else.” This saddened him as Europe is where missionary work started and now, he said, it needs to be revived.

Combined advisory Oatlands court hotel
Oatlands Court hotel, Weybridge in Surrey, serene royal surroundings for the 132 participants at the Combined Advisory
Could that revival be happening? If this joint advisory is anything to go by then the answer is yes. Reflecting back on the week, Kamal expressed his satisfaction that “the Church in the TED is abundantly blessed to have a team of highly committed, qualified, experienced directors of departments and services at the Division and Union levels.” With the motivation that has developed during the Advisory he believes that this team “will provide an outstanding contribution to the mission of the Church throughout the Division.”

The royal calling shared during the Advisory meeting will hopefully have repercussions across Europe as initiatives are understood,

Combined advisory Nathan Greene Christ return
Raafat Kamal highlights the hope we have as Adventists, explaining this painting by Nathan Greene
modified to suit the needs of each country, and developed within the team spirit that so clearly developed at a former royal residence in Surrey, England – and lead to a right royal arrival as evidenced by the Nathan Greene painting of Christ’s return shown during the opening ceremony.  That is the hope of all present.

A selection of photos from the event are available on the Trans-European Division Facebook page. Two short, atmospheric videos also capture the essense of the event, a time lapse of the opening ceremony, and Karen Holford ‘hugging’ the Lord’s prayer.[tedNEWS]


tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, director; Esti Pujic, editor

119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.ted.adventist.org

tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division.
You are free to re-print any portion of the bulletin without need for special permission. However, we kindly request that you identify tedNEWS whenever you publish these materials.

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