10 June 2022, St Louis, USA [Vanesa Pizzuto]
If delegates are somewhat sleepy this morning, after enduring long meeting sessions (8:00 am to 8:00 pm) throughout the week, Dr William Lee’s powerful message entitled, “Jesus Is Coming, Because He Said So,” stirred the slumber both physical and spiritual.

Pastor Lee, Men’s Ministry Director for the Lake Region Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, USA, based his message on Revelation 22, challenging the present not to doubt God’s promises. “Now is not the time to give up on God or be discouraged, or become pessimistic on our eschatology,” Lee urged the delegates. “Now is the time to live for Jesus Christ. It is the time to get involved, we have work to do.” Lee described that work as “making Jesus Christ famous” and was quick to add that this is to be accomplished by the “dynamite power of the Holy Spirit.”
What followed the message, and the beautiful prayer session, can only be described as a joyful video-report binge. Willie and Elaine Oliver, hosts for the event, introduced the reports from the 13 divisions back-to-back. The reports were scheduled all in one day out of respect for virtual delegates connecting via video conference. This way, business sessions could be concluded by Thursday, and different sunset times around the world would not prevent virtual delegates from participating on Friday.
The video marathon was a powerful testimony of the way God led the church in the last quinquennium, even during the pandemic and armed conflicts. Each video report and every story shared conveyed a powerful message, “our God is mightier than any challenge.” As the General Conference Session draws to a close, it was a fitting time to be reminded of this truth.