A Free Refill at the European Youth Congress in Novi Sad

31 July 2013 Novi Sad, Serbia [Yvonne Bauwens, tedNEWS] Welcome, Greece! Welcome, Hungary! Welcome, Estonia! Welcome, Norway! These are just a few out of the 45 countries represented here making total of around 3,000 guests. Each cheers at the calling of their name, while waving flags and standing tall for their nation, as an exceptional array of coloured clothing takes to the stage and we are treated to some traditional Serbian dancing – The Kolo! There is no denying that although many countries are present in the massive arena at SPENS Sports Centre, we are indeed in Serbia! For what reason? The Seventh-Day Adventist Youth Congress, 2013! As the sun beats down on the city of Novi Sad we gather together for this long-awaited event. We join together to celebrate, to be re-vitalised and to unite with fellow believers. That is the Power of One, the power of Jesus Christ in our lives.


Excitement and anticipation fill the room as the band take to the stage. Side by side we are ready to face the mighty tempests of life, our theme song reminds us: ‘hold tightly to the Hand of God, we will be strong! Voices are lifted and hearts rejoice; we are united!’

Proclaiming the glory of God by hearing the inspiring messages from the lips of our speakers, it does not end as we walk out the door. Take these words with you wherever you go, and may our lives be Bibles for others to read.

Good physical food, our minds indulged in the spiritual vegetables we craved as Pastor Dejan Stojkovic encouraged you and I to connect and re-connect with our personal Saviour.

Talking of food, Dejan, do you need any help in devouring all that popcorn?! It was free?? Surely not!  But there is no such thing as a ‘free lunch’. Sceptical of the freebies in this life, convinced we have misread the small print, we often find ourselves not believing the gift of something free! So often there is a catch, a hidden term of condition and we leave disappointed. During the first of what I know will be a week of inspiring and thought-provoking messages; Pastor Dejan encourages the young people to accept Jesus’ free refill. Free for us to accept, all you have to do is believe and say ‘YES!’  Coca-Cola may satisfy your need for a quick sugar fix and Ice-Tea is refreshing on a hot day, but tonight Pastor Dejan invited us to drink from a cup that will eternally quench your thirst.

Isaiah 55 verse 1-2 says: ‘If you are thirsty, come and drink water! If you don’t have any money, come, eat what you want! Drink wine and milk without paying a dinar. Why waste money on something that really isn’t food? Why work hard for something that doesn’t satisfy? Listen carefully to me, and you will enjoy the very best of foods!’

Shooting those ‘evil’ chickens with stones may not be high on your priority list, but here at the European Adventist Youth Congress, may you be inspired to connect with Jesus and make Him your No.1 priority in life!

To watch the opening programme, please click here, and to see photos from the congress, click here.
Do not forget to join us for the evening worship session: www.ted-adventist.org/power-of-one-live or www.aycongress.org. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.ted-adventist.org

tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division. 
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