22 March 2012 Skoplje, Macedonia [Laszlo Gallusz, tedNEWS] Two hundred participants gathered on 09-11 March 2012 in Skoplje, Macedonia for a Mission Conference organised by Macedonian Mission and the South-East European Union of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (SEEUC). The conference was attended by leaders and members of the church from all districts of Macedonia, who were eager to participate in the mission of the church.
Macedonian Mission’s focal emphasis of the outreach is ‘small groups’ ministry, as the church wishes to place the preaching of the gospel back to a home-setting as model of how Christianity started almost 2000 years ago.
The main speaker at the conference was Pr Janos Kovacs-Biro, Evangelism and Church Planting Director at the Trans-European Division of the Seventh-day Adventists. Pr Kovacs-Biro focused on the importance of the establishment of small groups and house churches in the country.
As all present listened to the message of Pr Kovacs-Biro, the whole building literally shook. “During the conference we have experienced about six earthquakes, two of them really shook the church building, but the presence of the Holy Spirit was even stronger than the earthquakes”, explains Pr Kovacs-Biro. “When the appeal was made for the involvement in establishing small groups and house churches about 180 people from all over Macedonia decided to be involved and consecrate their lives to the ministry of reaching out for people. Fantastic experience!” enthusiastically concludes Pr Kovacs-Biro.
None of the present remained unchanged and Mirjana Gurev, the wife of the leader of the Macedonian Mission comments: “Something happened that I did not expect. Through all the experience, the Lord touched my heart deeply and I believe that nobody could go home as if nothing happened!” Aneta Stankovska, a church member from Skoplje shares her experience of the conference: “A particular highlight of the conference was the moment when a call was made from the pulpit to rededicate our lives to Jesus Christ and take active part in the mission of the church.” Stanovska adds: “It was a very deep and special moment as we were all praying as one! I went home from the conference with some new perspectives and with eagerness to do more for people in a small-group setting.”
Laszlo Gallusz, Adventist Mission Director at the SEEUC, sees an opportunity for Macedonian church to grow after this event: “The Macedonian Mission has a dedicated and visionary leadership, who faces numerous challenges in an Orthodox country with significant percentage of Muslims. However, to see hundreds of church members re-dedicating their life to Jesus and seeking to plant news small groups shifts the focus from these problems to new opportunities.”
To find out more about the work of church in Macedonian Mission, please click here. [tedNEWS]
tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
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