Diversity Celebrated at Newbold College Opening Assembly

17 September 2011 Bracknell, United Kingdom [tedNEWS] The largest gathering of students and staff for some years attended last week’s Newbold College Opening Assembly in Salisbury Hall.

A feature of the assembly was the celebratory and affirming visual display of the flags of the 62 countries representing the diversity of students and staff members on campus presently.


Newly arrived Principal, Dr Philip Brown, began his opening address with a challenge to students and staff alike – lunch (on the Principal) at The Warren, a local upmarket eatery, for the first student to identify the flags of all 62 countries correctly. This ‘Challenge’ was won jointly by Mervi Kamus from Estonia and Sonja Kalmbach from Sweden andGermany.

Dr Brown’s opening address focused on the theme of: “You are the Keeper of the Keys to Your Mind (and Heart)… Who will you let in today? [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
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