Al Waad Receives First Request for Baptism

14 June 2011 Beirut, Lebanon [Amir Ghali, tedNEWS] It was different from all the other reuests which Al Waad (Hope Channel North Africa/Middle East) usually receives. People often write in to request Bibles, or to enroll in a correspondence course, or to ask theological or general questions. This request was different. It was unusual. A few days ago a person (name and country withheld) wrote to Al Waad requesting baptism for him and his family.

“Thanks to your channel, I have found Christ and I am now convinced that he is my personal Savior”. He writes, “I would like to get baptized along with my family because I now know that to be a Christian I need to get baptized like Jesus did. Please keep this request very confidential because I’m afraid that other people may know. However, I feel peace in my heart.”


Praise God for this wonderful news. The ministry of Al Waad is bearing fruit, touching lives, changing hearts. Al Waad is reaching the unreached, and speaking to those who have not heard.

“We believe that God allowed the birth of Al Waad for such a time as this”, says Pastor Tawfik Megally, Audience Relations Manager, and the one who first received this amazing email. “Al Waad is here to bring people to Christ, and this request only goes to show how the Holy Spirit is using this channel to do that”, Pastor Tawfik goes on to say.

The level of joy and praise is running high at Al Waad. Workers are experiencing a sense of reward and satisfaction that all their efforts and hard work is not going in vain.

Al Waad will coordinate with the people concerned to follow up on this request and to keep it as confidential as possible to protect the lives of those individuals.

If you want to know more about Al Waad, please visit our website [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]

tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division. 
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