Hybrid Evangelism Programme Sparks Community Engagement and Baptisms

The South London Hispanic Church is using an innovative approach that combines traditional outreach and digital platforms

News July 8, 2024

8 July | London, UK [Luis Fajado with tedNEWS]

The South London Hispanic Church has launched a hybrid evangelism programme1 aimed at serving the local Hispanic community, particularly the 13,200 immigrants living within a 30-minute radius of the church in Lambeth.2 The programme, initiated in March, combines faith talks, emotional support, and educational workshops under the motto “We are collaborators with God in your salvation and happiness.”

With around 206,000 Spanish nationals residing in the UK,3 the church identified a need to address the spiritual and emotional needs of the Hispanic population. The church’s strategy targets four groups: ex-Adventists, people with Adventist relatives, alumni of Adventist educational institutions, and those who have attended campaigns or received Bible studies.

The programme features three midweek initiatives:

  • Family School (Sundays): A family-oriented programme led by mental health experts, offering crucial support and guidance.
  • Nights of Power (Wednesdays): A two-hour podcast-style prayer session providing solace and intercession.
  • This We Believe (Fridays): An informative study of the 28 Adventist fundamental beliefs.

The “Mental Health for Immigrants” series, part of the Family School programme, concluded in June and resonated deeply with the community, attracting hundreds of viewers on Facebook and YouTube.

The church is seeing tangible results. Forty-three individuals discovered the church through the social media ads campaign and joined Sabbath services, with several becoming regular attendees. Nine have expressed interest in Bible studies, and seven consistently participate in services. “We are thankful for the way God has showered blessings upon this initiative,” shared local pastor Luis Fajardo. “We never anticipated such a warm reception and swift results. It’s clear that even amidst the hustle and bustle of the world’s major cities, the irreplaceable need for God remains.”

Eight visitors responded to a baptism appeal by Pastor Carlos Campitelli

Among the attendees is Jenny, originally from the Dominican Republic, an alumnus of an Adventist school who, along with her children, has been attending the church for five consecutive Sabbaths. She invited her colleague Pilar, an ex-Adventist from Colombia, who has also rekindled her faith journey through regular attendance. Recently, Jenny and eight other visitors responded to a baptism appeal by Pastor Carlos Campitelli, the Youth Director of the South American Division.

“This initiative exemplifies the church’s commitment to hybrid evangelism, blending traditional outreach with modern digital platforms,” said Fajardo. “The South London Hispanic Church’s programme is a prime example of how faith communities can engage and support their members in the digital age in partnership with God,” he concluded.



¹Hybrid Evangelism combines in-person and online outreach to engage the community. By leveraging the internet’s advantages, this approach broadens the church’s message, making it easier and more flexible for people to learn about our faith.
²How life has changed in Lambeth: Census 2021, Office for National Statistics.
³Number of Spanish nationals resident in the United Kingdom from 2008 to 2021, Statista.

[Photos: courtesy of Luis Fajado].

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The South London Hispanic Church has launched a hybrid evangelism programme aimed at serving the local Hispanic community, particularly the 13,200 immigrants living within a 30-minute radius of the church in Lambeth

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The South London Hispanic Church is using an innovative approach that combines traditional outreach and digital platforms


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