5 July 2016 | Tyrifjord, Norway [Tor Tjeransen] The Norwegian Adventist Junior College, Tyrifjord videregående skole, received a massive thumbs-up from local community students during their 19 June graduation ceremony. A total of 55 students received their diplomas marking the end of thirteen years of schooling with many of them coming from the local community where the school is situated.
Principal of the Junior College, Dr Styrkar Dramstad, says he has always put a lot of emphasis on making sure the students from the local community feel welcome, and that both dormitory and day students feel equally at home there.
The students graduating from the Norwegian Junior College are now ready to begin studies at university level. As adults they will be facing some difficult choices.
Graduation is always an occasion filled with joy. At this college, it is also a colourful display of national costumes. Liv, along with a large number of the girls in the graduating class wore traditional dresses for the graduation ceremony. These colourful national dresses are reminders of the many regions the students come from.
The College was established in 1958 and is owned and operated by the Norwegian Union of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. [tedNEWS]
SEE ALSO: Being more Christian leads to school success in Finland.
tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, director; Esti Pujic, editor
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