900 Little Lights

Adventurers shine at World Adventurer Day celebrations

News May 24, 2022

24 May 2022 | Bracknell, England [tedNEWS]

Saturday 21 May was a beautiful celebration! Nearly 900 Adventurers and parents from over 51 clubs across the South England Conference (SEC) gathered at Newbold College to celebrate World Adventurer Day. The theme for the day was ‘Little Lights’, with the programme including “praise and worship, a Bible treasure hunt, candle crafts, and a creative canvas tapestry [painted communally by the children] to say thank you to the Emergency Services in our country for the wonderful work they do,” said Clifford Herman, event-organiser and SEC Adventurer and Pathfinder director.

At the heart of the programme were the children, with Adventurers leading the praise and worship, offering congregational prayer, and sharing musical items too. “Adventurers are inspiring because they are enthusiastic, eager to learn, and excited to be involved,” said Herman. This sabbath “marked another celebration of the fact that our children are very important, and it is such a privilege to minster to them.”

The messaged was delivered by Vanesa Pizzuto, Trans-European Division (TED) Communication and Media associate director. Pizzuto used the Southern Cross, the smallest constellation in the sky, to illustrate the point that small lights can make a huge difference. Sharing how the Southern Cross is used for navigation, Pizzuto went on to invite every Adventurer and parent present to become “a light, a living compass showing others the way home” through being “Christ-like: Courageous, Caring and Considerate.”

After the morning service, children and their parents enjoyed a relaxing picnic in the park. With afternoon activities packed with arts and crafts, and beautiful music from the praise and worship team, the Willesden Area 6 Music Band played the theme song “Carry Your Candle.” It was a song to which all the Adventurers held LED tea-lights up high, while singing at the top of their voices. “Watching their faces beam with joy was one of the cutest moments I’ve seen so far this year,” said Pizzuto.

Herman expressed his gratitude to all who made the programme possible and remarked “We praise God for the initiation of this ministry 33 years ago and we are motivated to continue for many more years until Jesus comes.”

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