Relay: Smart Witnessing for 21st Century Youth

<p style="text-align: justify;">21 May 2015 <span style="color: #333333; font-family: Raleway, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; line-height: 28px; text-align: justify;">|</span>&nbsp;St Albans, United Kingdom [Paul Tompkins, <em>ted</em>NEWS] The Trans-European Division (TED) Relay Institute of Youth Evangelism has now been in operation for over 7 years and continues to encourage, enrich and equip Seventh-day Adventist youth for a life of sharing the saving power of Jesus.</p>

News May 21, 2015

21 May 2015 | St Albans, United Kingdom [Paul Tompkins, tedNEWS] The Trans-European Division (TED) Relay Institute of Youth Evangelism has now been in operation for over 7 years and continues to encourage, enrich and equip Seventh-day Adventist youth for a life of sharing the saving power of Jesus.

Paul Tompkins, TED Youth Director commented that “Young people have a deep desire to be equipped for sharing the Gospel and Relay does this by facilitating practical training in outreach that is effective in today’s fast paced 21st century society. Relay literally shares the gospel message from country to country and city to city, just as a runner in a relay race.”

The first Relay programme was held in 2008 in Hungary and then followed up the following year in Sweden, Latvia and Denmark. Since then further Relay training programmes have been taken, in-country, to most countries in the TED territory with recent exciting outreach initiatives in Poland, Croatia, Serbia, Finland and Albania. For the first time in 2014 an international Relay training programme was also held at Newbold College, England.

One of the features of Relay is that witnessing is made exciting and attractive – in Split, Croatia Relay participants engaged themselves in creative practical witnessing on the streets attracting people to themselves, and making them ask questions about Christ and Christianity. This culminated in pancake-evenings when more than 100 people came to the church and enjoyed a wonderful pancake served professionally, and the spiritual talk God, which became the cream on top of Relay.

Relay provides thought provoking instruction in three key areas of Adventist Beliefs, Youth Outreach, Discipleship and Leadership plus one further elective subject. In addition the programme also features street level initiatives organised and run by the Relay participants themselves. These are backed up by further Relay projects back in the home church and augmented by seed funding to help in the start-up phase. To-date over 65 local projects have been set up for ongoing outreach after the training has been completed.

Janos Kovacs-Biro, TED Evangelism Director and one of the Relay staff states that “It is one of the most humbling and honouring experiences to present the principles of Biblical and practical witnessing to young people, and see them putting these in practice right away. We function as an incubator of witnessing, allowing creative methods to be tried, and motivating rethinking, growth and improvement. It’s FANTASTIC to rub shoulders with our Youth!”

Relay graduates are faithful to the name “relay” and pass on the teachings and the principles of witnessing learnt during the courses. Many times these young people are listening closely over and again to the presentations of the trainers, and then teach it to the local churches. Thus newer and newer witnessing projects are happening. Young people are excited and serious about the call to discipleship.

In Novi Sad, Serbia a Relay Association has been formed and under the leadership of Adrijana Grujić this has proven to be most effective in reaching out to the local community. There are also new branches starting in Belgrade and Kragujevac.

Adrijana comments: “This is a great way (how) to change people’s thoughts, improve their mental situation and to show why we are different. To show the presence of God. This is a way to approach people who don’t know who Adventists are … My motto is: ‘Go where the people are’.”

This year a brand new feature for 2015 is a Relay Mission programme, linked to Mission to the Cities, which will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden. This is open to all young adults and those who have a passion for mission are invited to join this exciting new initiative and further information will shortly be available on the Relay website

The Relay story, as an integral part of the Trans-European Division strategic plan of ‘Making God Known in Europe’, continues to inspire and challenge Seventh-day Adventist young people. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]

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