Forty-six Awards for Newbold Graduates

22 July 2011 Bracknell, United Kingdom [Newbold Public Relations Dept./BUC News] The annual Newbold College Awards Ceremony took place on Sunday, 10 July in a packed church centre. Amongst the audience were a considerable gathering of local dignitaries including mayors, councillors, local politicians and police representatives.

As the UK degrees are accredited by the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, many students, staff and well-wishers had journeyed to Lampeter in North Wales for the Degree Ceremony on Friday, 8 July. As usual, Newbold College staff took part in the academic procession and were on the platform to witness various awards and degrees in Theology and Business Management being conferred on Newbold College students – in Welsh and in English!

The Newbold College ceremony two days later recognised the achievements of these students, as well as those who had completed their degrees through Andrews University in Michigan, USA.

For a small higher education institution, Newbold College offers wide academic provision. This was underlined as the College celebrated the success of students from over twenty countries in Behavioural Sciences; Diversity Studies; Arts & Humanities; Business Management; and Theology – from Bachelor’s degrees through Graduate Diplomas to Master’s degrees.

In his final role as interim principal, Dr Svein Myklebust presided over the occasion. He emphasised to graduates that, “Degrees and certificates open doors and lead to new opportunities, but the extent of your success will depend on your ability to make use of your acquired learning in a work-place setting and a life-long commitment to education in its widest sense.” On behalf of all the College staff who have invested in the students he added, “As you take on new challenges, we wish you success and blessings from above.”

The speaker for the ceremony was Pastor Wim Altink, President of the Netherlands Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. An alumnus of Newbold College who is currently completing his PhD studies at the College, Pastor Altink reminded students of the need for them to be qualified for their profession, their faith and their community.

Many of those graduating with Bachelor’s degrees or with Graduate Diplomas will be continuing their studies at Newbold College as they enter the realms of postgraduate work. [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]

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