250 Bibles: 10,000 Bible Studies

21 June 2011 St Albans, United Kingdom [tedNEWS] This week the Quiz28 website at www.quiz28.org, which is based on the 28 Fundamental Beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, clocked up its 10,000th completed Bible study. The average time taken to complete each online study is 15 minutes, which means that the site has engaged people from all over the world in some 2,500 hours of Bible study.


The Quiz28 project began at the beginning of 2009 with the initial aim of getting Adventist members to study their Bibles more and become more familiar with the fundamental teachings of the church. Whilst this has been successful the most exciting developments have come in the last year as site author, Pastor John Surridge, explains: “We always realised that this website had evangelistic potential. The fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are biblically sound and make perfect sense when you study them straight from the Bible. To a greater or lesser degree all of our beliefs are shared by other Christian denominations, it’s just that we put them together in a unique way. So we decided to open the site up to the general public by advertising it through Google’s AdWords programme. We added the incentive of a gift Bible to anyone who completed 10 or more of the studies and since then the results have been amazing. In the last six months ministers and members have given out more than 250 Bibles, mostly by hand, to students of the online course, and we have registered some 700 students on the site. Each one of these we see as a potential invitee to future evangelistic campaigns or other church based events.”

Despite the success of the project so far, Pastor Surridge admits that there are significant challenges to its future expansion. “At the moment we only advertise our gift Bible offer in the three Missions. Each of the Mission offices has a stock of Bibles and our ministers, together with some volunteers, all understand the delivery process. If, or hopefully, when, we roll this out to the Conferences we will need to get a lot more people on board. We will also need to raise our funding by a factor of about 10 and involve the Adventist Discovery Centre in the overall project
administration. We already have Global Mission funding and some significant private donations, and the Adventist Discovery Centre (ADC) is fully supportive, so we’re heading in the right direction, but it may take some time to come together fully.”

If you haven’t tested your own knowledge of the 28 Fundamental Beliefs of the Seventh-day Church recently why not try the online quizzes for yourself at: www.quiz28.org.

(Note that the gift Bible offer is only available in the United Kingdom and
is intended for non-members only.) [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Miroslav Pujic, director; Deana Stojkovic, editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.ted-adventist.org

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