Record ingathering amount for ADRA Norway

<p>3 March 2021 |&nbsp;Mjøndalen, Norway [Tor Tjeransen]&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Despite restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Adventist Relief Agency (ADRA) Norway raised a record amount for projects in developing countries during the annual ingathering programme. The total showed the equivalent of USD570,000.00. “We are both surprised and very happy with this result,” says Birgit Philipsen, Country Director for ADRA Norway.</p>

News March 3, 2021

3 March 2021 | Mjøndalen, Norway [Tor Tjeransen]  

Despite restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Adventist Relief Agency (ADRA) Norway raised a record amount for projects in developing countries during the annual ingathering programme. The total showed the equivalent of USD570,000.00. “We are both surprised and very happy with this result,” says Birgit Philipsen, Country Director for ADRA Norway.

The Adventist Church in Norway has a long tradition of door-to-door collection to support the projects of ADRA. Because of the current lockdown, the leadership of ADRA Norway feared for a massive drop in income from the annual ingathering events. A drop in funding would badly hit educational projects in developing countries.

ADRA leadership, in cooperation with Hope Channel Norway and the Norwegian Union Conference, devised a plan to inspire churches across the nation to find alternative ways of raising money other than the door-to-door collections, and encouraged this as part of the Total Member Involvement (TMI) initiative. Back in November 2020, as an incentive to use innovative fundraising activities, ADRA Norway and Hope Channel Norway planned a two-hour TV-programme to be streamed live from the Mjøndalen Seventh-day Adventist Church.

In the weeks leading up to the transmission, churches that were streaming worship services showed tailor-made video clips encouraging members to take part in the event.

The plan became a success and churches and church members found alternative ways of raising money. Although, teachers, students, and parents at Adventist primary schools in Norway have for many years been strong supporters of the ingathering programme, last year, unfortunately, only two of the eleven schools were able to do door-to-door collection. However, that did not stop teachers and students. Several schools organised sponsored runs with wonderful results.

The Adventist school in Mjøndalen organised a car-boot sale with great success. Members used social media to engage the public in the fundraising activities, some used birthday fundraisers on Facebook and others advertised a service to change wheels on cars to winter tyres. Ole Martin Hofseth, a teacher at the Adventist School in Lillehammer, promised to do a push-up for every “krone” he received in donation to ADRA. He ended up with doing 8,802 push-ups.

ADRA Norway online auction 2020

During the live-stream programme, ADRA showed a video from some of the projects they were running, and videos of what people were doing to raise money. The programme also featured a live auction on Facebook and that auction alone resulted in raising NOK215,000.00 (USD25,000.00) for ADRA.

Gry Haugen, Communication director for ADRA Norway, is grateful for the way church members in Norway showed the force of Total Member Involvement (TMI). Because many of the projects supported by ADRA Norway focus on education for children, Haugen explains that “Thanks to the efforts of church members, ADRA Norway did not have to let down the students who depend on our programmes to receive an education.”

Victor Marley, President of the Norwegian Union, is also very pleased with the result, “This proves that there is enthusiasm for mission work among our members in Norway and that everyone can play a part in Total Member Involvement.”

tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, editor; Deana Stojković, associate editor
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tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division. Readers are free to republish or share this article with appropriate credit including an active hyperlink to the original article.

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