Adventist baptismal witness on Cyprus beach

<p>16 May 2019 | Limassol, Cyprus [Marica Mirilov]</p> <p>Limassol has a glorious beach. Most people go there to sunbathe or swim, but for over 150 participants at a Day of Fellowship in Cyprus on Sabbath, 11 May, their visit was to witness the baptism of five new members.</p>

News May 16, 2019

16 May 2019 | Limassol, Cyprus [Marica Mirilov]

Limassol has a glorious beach. Most people go there to sunbathe or swim, but for over 150 participants at a Day of Fellowship in Cyprus on Sabbath, 11 May, their visit was to witness the baptism of five new members.

Cyprus May2019 baptism group

  • Wilma spoke of the miracle of God preserving her life as a newborn baby, and the role of her roommate who passionately spoke about salvation that Jesus offers.

  • Ruth shared how, on coming to Cyprus, she wandered far away from God. She was tempted in many different ways, but God in His mercy called her back home.

  • Newly married Elizabeth testified how God used the preaching of a lay-pastor to impress on her heart the truth and the love of Jesus.

  • Eftim spoke emotionally about how, while reading the Word of God, he felt God tapping on his shoulder for his response.

  • Ignati shared how, against all odds but with the help of God, he got married the previous day. After making one life commitment he was equally ready to make another one for eternity.

Cyprus May2019 baptism praising 2Coming from different cultural backgrounds, and speaking different languages, these individuals represent both the local and international family that provide a warm welcome at any Adventist congregation in Cyprus.

That warmth was demonstrated by the fact that while there are just one hundred members on the church books in Cyprus, over 150 people came to the baptism, making it the largest gathering to date of the church in an island with a population of just over one million people.

Cyprus Bogdan Osadchuk babyA seafront hotel was the perfect venue for the Limassol congregation to host the day of fellowship for the church communities from Nicosia, Larnaca, Paphos, Mitsero and Limassol.

A tone was set for worship early in the day with a welcome by Thimios Arsiotis. He shared his personal experience of searching for God and committing his life to Him in baptism only six years previously.

Dr Branislav Mirilov, President of the Cyprus region, introduced the Adventist Volunteer Service couples who work on the island. This includes a new couple, Melina and Elias Orland Eim from Argentina who serve in Larnaca; and a new addition to Kseniia and Bogdan Osadchuk’s family with their newborn baby Danil. The Osadchucks hail from the Ukraine and have been serving in Paphos for over a year.

Cyprus DOFMirilov then addressed the congregation with a challenging message, “Enter through a narrow gate, and travel a narrow way!” As everyone listened very attentively to both the sermon and then the baptismal testimonies, they matched their own personal experience with the inspirational testimonies. The baptism that climaxed the day in the calm Mediterranean Sea marked a new beginning for five, and for some a firm decision to follow their example at the next scheduled date for baptism.

tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, editor; Sajitha Forde-Ralph, associate editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]
tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division. Readers are free to republish or share this article with appropriate credit including an active hyperlink to the original article.

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Marica Mirilov Passes To Her Rest

20 July 2024| St Albans, UK [tedNEWS] With great sadness we inform you of the passing of Marica Mirilov on Wednesday, July 17, following a sudden and brief illness. Born in 1966 in Slavonija, Croatia, she was the wife of Pastor Branislov Mirilov and the mother of Miriam, Nathasha, and Emmanuel. As a Bible worker and pastor for the Cyprus region, Marica Mirilov confidently shared her joy in knowing Christ with others. It was an intrinsic part of her character to demonstrate loving care and concern for all, with a wish that they discover the joy she had in Christ. Just before her passing, Marica was in the process of submitting her dissertation for her MA, a testament to her determination and passion for knowledge. Daniel Duda, president of the Trans-European Division, expressed his deepest condolences to the Mirilov family during this time of profound loss. He shared, "Marica was a remarkable woman, a devoted Bible worker and pastor, and a loving mother. Her sudden passing from stroke complications has left us all in shock and sorrow. Marica’s dedication to her faith and congregations in Cyprus was evident in every aspect of her life. She was not only a pillar…


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