The Beginning

<p>18 January 2019 | Brussels, Belgium [João Martins, Executive Director, ADRA Europe]&nbsp; <br /><br />I like beginnings. Whether opening a new box of Lego for my son and me to play with, starting a new responsibility at my church or initiating another project for ADRA; It is always an exciting experience. It reminds me of the “beginning” when God created the heavens and earth.</p> <p>I clearly remember the 29th of March 1999, the first day I worked for ADRA, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency.&nbsp; An unforgettable sequence of new beginnings in my life.</p>

News January 18, 2019

18 January 2019 | Brussels, Belgium [João Martins, Executive Director, ADRA Europe] 

I like beginnings. Whether opening a new box of Lego for my son and me to play with, starting a new responsibility at my church or initiating another project for ADRA; It is always an exciting experience. It reminds me of the “beginning” when God created the heavens and earth.

I clearly remember the 29th of March 1999, the first day I worked for ADRA, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency.  An unforgettable sequence of new beginnings in my life.

Joao Martins1After leaving a crying family and dozens of amazing friends at the airport, I took my first flight, alone, to Angola to start the biggest professional adventure of my life. During the eight hour flight many questions arose in my mind. What was I, a 23-year-old man who had just finished a Business and Administration degree and had a promising career in the private sector, doing? The plane was going to a country devastated by forty years of war with thousands of people facing starvation. I have to confess, it was not my easiest flight.

When arriving in Angola, everything was new to me. A messy airport, extremely hot and wet weather, lots of noise, confusion, people asking for money, a lot of garbage on the streets, roads in very bad condition and people darting in and out of the chaotic traffic. After the first briefing by the Country Director, my good friend Mário Oliveira, I went to visit the Internally Displaced People (IDP) camps for the first time.

Luanda, the capital, was a city built for half a million people, but due to the war, had an estimate of 6,000,000 inhabitants at that time. Most of the newcomers were living in slums, others in family homes but still more than one million people were placed in dozens of IDP camps on the outskirts of the city. That first day in ADRA, I visited four of the camps and was overwhelmed by the terrible conditions these people were living in. Traumatized women who saw their husbands kidnapped or murdered, hundreds of children who were orphans and totally alone in the world and elderly people who cried for hope for the future.

Joao AngolaThere, on that first visit, in the middle of the most abject misery, I found the reason for that unforgettable beginning. God was calling me to be a blessing in the lives of those who didn’t have the same opportunities as I did. To bring relief, hope, and new beginnings to these wonderful and joyful human beings who had run for their lives. During the four months working on that project, we had many opportunities to help others. We worked in food distribution centers, assisted with basic health care for the people, initiated some education projects, strived to empower the children and advocate for their rights, and even had the chance to host the First Lady of the country while she visited our projects on Children’s Day. Nothing can give us more joy than seeing a new beginning in the lives of those that had no hope. That is the purpose of ADRA, to serve humanity so all may live as God intended.

As an ADRA network across Europe we will walk together. Like at the IPD camp in Luanda, we will provide Humanitarian Aid through service delivery, facilitate community development through the empowerment of communities and conduct advocacy efforts by being a voice for those whose voice cannot be heard. The trends we see around us are quite challenging – the shrinking of civil society space, changes in the funding landscape, growing extremism in many countries and polarization in others – all of these are challenges that we will need to overcome.

I’m looking forward to 2019 and the great things God will accomplish through the ADRA offices, donors and friends across Europe.

[Adapted from an article first published by ADRA Europe news.]

tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, editor; Sajitha Forde-Ralph, associate editor
119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]
tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division. Readers are free to republish or share this article with appropriate credit including an active hyperlink to the original article.


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