GC Mission Impact Fund


Purpose of Fund

  • I will Go!: The General Conference strategy “I Will Go!” envisions every level of the church—including local churches—to be actively engaged in expressing its KPI’s, or “key performance indicators”. These can be viewed at iwillgo2020.org.
  • Alignment of Financial Resources with KPI’s: The General Conference created this fund to allocate financial resources specifically to local churches or schools who are doing frontline mission that fulfil one or more GC KPI’s.
  • Project Examples: For more info regarding the fund’s purpose and past examples, visit willplan.org/services/missionimpactfund.
  • Financial Amounts: As a general estimate, applications should range from $30,000 – $100,000 and can be spread out over two years.

Process after Application Submission

  • TED Mission Board will recommend up to fifteen projects to the GC at a Mission Board following the deadline of 21 February 2025.
  • GC votes Mission Impact Project after TED’s recommendations.
  • Once the project is approved, GC credits funds to TED, which then credits funds to the union, local conference or mission before reaching the local church. For multi-year projects, it is within TED’s discretion to release partial funds year by year.
  • A mission and financial report must be completed at the end of each project.
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