Centres of Influence


  • Application: Visit the urbancenters.org/application for more information regarding guidelines, application, business plan checklist, etc.
  • Approval process: Regular communication between all levels regarding strategy and long-term viability is essential before local missions/conferences, unions, and Trans-European Division (TED) Mission Board make funding commitments, and recommend the application to General Conference (GC) Mission Board.
  • For consultation contact Anthony WagenerSmith at [email protected]. To upload completed application after local field and union approval, visit ted.adventist.org/mission/mission-board.
  • Receiving funds: If approved by the GC Mission Board, GC funds are credited to the TED which – along with each level – adds its yearly contributions and credits the totals through the system to the local project.
  • Reports: Annual, ministry and financial reports must be submitted by the local field and approved by all levels before the additional year’s funding is sent.
Adventist Mission Chatbot
In brief what is the Mission Board about
What are the requirements for Funding?
When are application deadlines?
Give me a short overview of the 5 funds