- Financial Support: The Global Mission programme is an initiative of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists to find church planters and church planting projects. To apply within the Trans-European Division, click here. For more information about Global Mission, please visit Adventist Mission website.
- Article: ‘The Decline and Recovery of Apostolic Leadership in Adventist Ministry‘ by Anthony WagenerSmith
- Article: ‘Urban Church Planting: Three Functional Shifts from the New Testament’ by Anthony WagenerSmith
- Article: Multiply Communities: in People Groups and Places
- Book chapter: ‘Implementing a Mission Scorecard’ by Anthony WagenerSmith (pp.43-52 from Discipling, Nurturing, Reclaiming, Edited by General Conference Nurture and Retention Committee, Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2020)
- Book: PLANT the Church: Essential Paradigms and Missional Practices by Anthony WagenerSmith forthcoming