Alaska’s Blue Christmas

Alaska’s Blue Christmas

A family for Michelle in Costa Rica, a new school in Dominica, and a blue Christmas in Alaska. Join us as we explore mission around the world!

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​Global Mission Pioneers Gather in Bali

First-ever convention draws 130 pioneers from across SSD

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18 and Nowhere to Go

On the Caribbean side of Costa Rica, vulnerable kids and young adults are often targeted to become involved in drugs and other negative influences. This quarter, a portion of your 13th Sabbath Offering will help build a center to provide a safe place for them to stay while they learn skills to find jobs. Thank…

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Hickel was bitten by one of the most dangerous snakes in Costa Rica! As he laid in the hospital bed, his mom prayed for a miracle!

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The Open Church

Getting healthy with Henry in Colombia, a doctor under attack in Thailand and mission in South Korea. Join us as we explore mission around the world!

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The Influence of Pure Hope

In 2021, a portion of the 13th Sabbath Offering allowed Central America Adventist University to open a center of influence on their campus in Costa Rica. Let’s take a look at the impact your offering has made so far!

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Unique Methods of Ministry for Unique Challenges

Mission Unusual in Tokyo, an urban center of influence in Montenegro, and turning churches into sanctuaries in Poland. Join us as we explore mission around the world!

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Shot Six Times

Jaquiel never imagined he would be lying face down on the ground, covered in blood, fighting for his life. He had been shot six times and didn’t know whether he would live or die.

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The Painting the City Came to See

By contextualizing the gospel for the people of northern Thailand, Clifton and a Thai painter opened doors that may have never opened otherwise. They offered the opportunity for people to see a message of hope that most of them would not have listened to if it had not been painted.

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A Doctor Under Attack

Dr. Arthur Geschke, his wife, and their infant son left San Francisco on a Japanese liner headed for Thailand. They accepted a call to serve as a medical missionary in southeast Asia and were just starting their new adventure.

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