Pioneers of Hope in Philippines

Pioneers of Hope in Philippines

After Lewis Finster graduated from Union College, he and his wife felt called to serve overseas. They served in different nations before they ended up in the Philippines. When they arrived, there were no Filipino Adventists.

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Jail Cell Conversions

Global Mission pioneers planting churches in Armenia, Ukrainian refugees being cared for in Georgia and mission in Romania. Join us as we explore mission around the world!

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No Longer Lonely in Brussels

While serving in Brussels, Ricardo Perieira felt a burden to serve the secular and post-Christian population. This community is growing, presenting many mission challenges. To address this, Ricardo decided to start a Portugese-speaking church plant, hoping to provide people with an opportunity to encounter God.

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Church on a Mountaintop

An evangelistic bike ride in the Shetland Islands, how one church coped with the pandemic and a unique method of ministry in Switzerland. Join us as we explore mission around the world!

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Jerry the Prayer Time Capsule

Miss Samuel from Dominica chose a creative approach to teach her students about prayer by using a time capsule. The students filled the capsule and at the end of the term, they would open it to see if God answered their prayers. Take a look to see how God moved in their lives!

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Changing Shoes Saved the Day

Changing shoes saved the day in Russia, a little boy is born with hearing in only one ear in Belarus and mission in Bulgaria. Join us as we explore mission around the world!

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Missionary Deployment Patterns Unveil Welcomed Changes, Possibilities

Adventist Mission director Gary Krause describes new emphasis on frontline work.

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Tag, Climbing, and God

Kesia had never heard of Bible Boot Camp until Josephine invited her to join. At first, it didn’t interest her much but after seeing how much her siblings enjoyed it, she decided to try it out.

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Modern Tools for Witnessing

The most wanted man in the village in Nepal, Why the kids stay in church in Georgia and mission in Uruguay. Join us as we explore mission around the world!

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Church on the Ice Highway

The only Adventist church in Bethel, Alaska, serves its village but also 55 smaller villages in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. Regardless of this challenge, they find ways to make a difference through serving the homeless, hosting potlucks, leading Bible classes, and much more.

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