Adventist Mission


The Adventist commitment to mission includes worldwide humanitarian work, international volunteer programmes, Global Mission pioneer programme, a large network of hospitals and clinics, digital media and internet radio blanketing the globe, thousands of schools, and hundreds of overseas missionaries.

We work together with unions and attached missions to equip, resource, and facilitate evangelism, church planting, and diverse forms of mission across the 22 countries of the Trans-European Division.


Anthony WagenerSmith

Adventist Mission Director

[email protected]

+44 1727 732 500

Previous to serving at the Trans-European Division, Anthony was associate director at the North American Division Evangelism Institute (NADEI) equipping pastors and church planters across North America in the areas of evangelism and church planting, and teaching practical theology at the SDA Theological Seminary on the campus of Andrews University. He spent many years pastoring and planting churches in the Florida Conference, and is passionate about working with leaders to develop mission in all its forms.

Deana Stojkovic

Personal Assistant, Adventist Mission department

[email protected]

+44 1727 732 500

Deana Stojković joined the Trans-European Division in March 2010 as part of the Communication and Media team as an Administrative Assistant and for many years supported tedMEDIA Productions serving in various roles.
In December 2022, Deana transitioned to the Adventist Mission department, and she enjoys learning more about evangelism and mission.
On a personal note, Deana is happily married to Dejan and together they have three children. She finds joys in engaging in craft activities and culinary experimenting with her children, visiting new places, and occasionally indulging in reading.
She finds comfort and encouragement in seeing God’s loving and guiding hand in both moments of joy and adversity, and she would love nothing more than to be able to show that to others too.

Adventist Mission Chatbot
In brief what is the Mission Board about
What are the requirements for Funding?
When are application deadlines?
Give me a short overview of the 5 funds