TED responds to Brexit vote

<p>24 June 2016 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert] On Thursday, 23 June the British people voted by a margin of 3.8% to leave the European Union. With a turnout of 72%, 51.9% of the electorate made the historic decision, changing 43 years of European history since the UK joined the European Community in 1973.</p>

News June 24, 2016

24 June 2016 | St Albans, UK [Victor Hulbert] On Thursday, 23 June the British people voted by a margin of 3.8% to leave the European Union. With a turnout of 72%, 51.9% of the electorate made the historic decision, changing 43 years of European history since the UK joined the European Community in 1973.

TED-office-frontMany students of Bible prophecy see ‘Brexit’ as a fulfilment of the prophecy of Daniel 2:43 predicting that the various nations of Europe ‘shall not cleave’ one to the other. This is well expressed by an Adventist Review TV special released today.

However, while it is prophesied that Europe will have both strength and weaknesses, and while attempts to bring unity as under the Roman empire will never succeed, Pastor Ian Sweeney, President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the UK & Ireland notes that “this does not relieve us of our responsibility to promote unity, love and commonwealth among all people!” He notes that “The prophecy of Daniel 2 does not mean that we should not fight against divisions that are borne of racism, prejudice, self-interest and the like. Jesus once said that the poor will always be among us (John 12.8), however, this was not to say that we should just accept poverty without working to relieve it!”

Following the exit vote, Trans-European Division (TED) Stewardship director, David Neal noted, “The honest, Bible believing Adventist is conflicted. For sure, the prophetic word stands. But neither can he/she be ready and willing to stand with those who are fearful of ‘the other’, whose actions in word and deed border on zenophobia. As valid as Daniel 2 is, without question, Christ’s parable of the Good Samaritan is of equal consideration. The Brexit campaign completely ignored this value.”

In an impassioned plea Sweeney, whose parents were themselves migrants in the 1970’s, stated, “Europe will always be divided in one way or another, however, we have a Christian responsibility to show our love for all people who in political debates are depersonalised and labelled as ‘migrants’, ‘economic refugees’ etc. We may not share the language, culture, or ethnicity. However, every man woman and child are our brothers and sisters who Christ loves and died to save.”

Raafat Kamal TED Spring meetings 2016
Raafat Kamal, TED President
“As officers, we are studying the implications that this vote will have on the operation of the TED Office in achieving our mission in Europe,” states TED President, Raafat Kamal. “There will be clearly financial and operational implications for us to consider.” He equally notes that the TED is not just multi-lingual but multi-currency.

“The composition of Europe has changed over the years both inside and outside the church. The two European Divisions have equally changed several times in terms of size and structure during their history. Change of itself is not a problem. We must simply find the best way to react to the change.” He noted, “It may even be that in such times of uncertainty people may look more to faith based solutions – a security that as Adventists we can certainly provide.”

Nenad Jepuranović“The uncertainty within the various financial markets may cause some issues for church mission, states Nenad Jepuranovic, TED Treasurer. He sees the biggest financial risk as the fluctuating exchange rate between the 12 different currencies used in the 22 countries that make up the TED.
“Over the past few years, our tithe income in local currencies has been steadily increasing,” Jepuranovic noted. “However, the economic turbulence in the European markets in the last two years, has meant that we have borne the brunt of adverse exchange rates that have reduced our tithe income in UK£ by 9.6%.” This has been balanced in part by US/UK exchange rates.

What of the future? “The latest predictions for the European markets are at best uncertain, but over the past few years the TED has built up sufficient reserves to cover economically volatile periods such as those that we may encounter in the next few months.” Nevertheless, Jepuranovic is searching for ways to “improve our efficiency and effectiveness to best serve the needs of our territory.”

Retiring shortly as treasurer for the Church in the UK & Ireland, Victor Pilmoor finds himself concerned with the issues of fraternity.  Writing in his monthly blog he states, “Whether one looks at the goal of inclusiveness among the nations of Europe, the freedom of party goers in Orlando, and good will in the Yorkshire town of Batley [where an MP campaigning for ‘remain’ was cold-bloodedly murdered], our societies are clearly fragmented. The arguments that rage, dwell on fear and the forces of self-interest.”

This, he notes has led to “a loss of fraternity, an unwillingness by many in society to take the abundant view that there is room for all of us, that life is not a game of winners and losers.” He adds that, “uncompromising fear-ridden fundamentalism has filled the hearts of many to the point where self-preservation has become the object of national and religious influence.”

His conclusion is a positive mantra for mission: “By contrast we could offer a world view that acknowledges the generosity of God offering grace and sustenance for all. A perspective that our lives are to honour what God gives us, to steward the abilities and powers with which we are endowed for purposes greater than ourselves.”

Perhaps an Old Testament prophet is the one to finally guide us in our way forward. “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” [Micah 6:8 NKJV] [tedNEWS]

tedNEWS Staff: Victor Hulbert, director; Esti Pujic, editor

119 St Peter’s Street, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3EY, England
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.ted.adventist.org

tedNEWS is an information bulletin issued by the communication department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Trans-European Division.
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